I want to send out save the date announcements. I'm making them my self and I can't deside if I should make postcards or magnets. What do you guys think? And also if I do magnets, if it safe to mail them or if I have to do anything special to them?
Front side- address on right. Save the Date on the left
Back side- pic of a calendar w/date circled on left and other info (name, date, sayings) on the right.
Same as the back side of the postcard idea
Save the Date magnets or postcards?
I did magnets. Everybody loved them and told me what a great idea it was. I didn't have to do anything special to mail them, just dropped them in an envelope. How are you going to do them? I used business card paper and business card magnets. They were really easy to do, I just followed the directions for the paper, made up the design I wanted, printed them out and stuck them to the magnets. They're great.
Reply:magnet. i think it is a cute idea. and then they will already have something of your wedding day should you choose not to do favors
Reply:If money is a factor (and when is it not?) then go with postcards. They are cheaper to make and send postage.
Magnets can be a very cute 'extra' if done right, but they are just that- an extra.
Reply:I'm doing magnets. Our magnets have a picture of my fiance and I holding a sign with our wedding date...the magnets have our wedding webpage listed at the bottom, and on the side it says "Formal invitation to follow".
To mail the magnets, I will order cards with slits cut into them, to hold the magnets...then you put the card/magnet into an envelope. It will probably cost more in postage..but a magnet is more likely to remain visable (on the fridge) and it is more functional than a postcard that will just get tossed.
Reply:Postcard, definitely. I wouldnt use a magnet like that.
Can you also add a picture of the two of you? I always enjoy seeing the picture.
Reply:I agree with the magnet idea being more practical, just be sure to check with the post office to see about any extra postage that may be required.
Reply:Magnets :) Chances are that most of us lose or throw away a majority of our mail. I know I do! I'd be pumped to get a new magnet on my fridge! And I would have a frequent reminder of the special date every time I went to take out the milk.
Reply:You should definitely do Save the Date magnets! It is safe to mail them and the only thing that should be special about them is a picture of you and your fiance.
Reply:I would go with magnets. They'll probably keep them long after the wedding and have a better chance of not getting lost.
Reply:magnet. Period. Another good option if magnets are out of budget is to have stickers printed up for people to put in their date planners or calendars. You can also pick up a generic magnet that could be used after the wedding but hints at the theme. For instance with a garden wedding get some of those cheap flower magnets and tie a tag with wedding info.
You are sending out the STD's months before hand. How many people are going to be able to keep up with a postcard for months? busy lives. magnets are easy to keep up with and can be placed on the fridge' where people tend to go everyday so they are sure to actually save the date. Lost postcards are nearly so effective.
Reply:Magnets seem to be the trend lately, and at least they won't get lost like a postcard probably would. Just put em' up on your fridge! And, no, you don't need to do anything special to the magnet before mailing. But, I do have to say, that unless you are having an out of town wedding, I don't think save the date cards/magnets are really necessary. Invites usually go out about 4-6 weeks prior to the event, and that is enough time for guests to plan.
Reply:We got a really cute magnet from magnetqueen.com Our friends submitted pictures of themselves from when they were kids and they morphed the two together so it looks like they were sitting together.
Reply:Magnets, they are better reminders and can be useful rather then a postcard.
Reply:magnets. :) then they can see it all the time and they shall not forget. plus they can keep it on the fridge for a long time after the wedding. :)
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