It appears as though most asian girls that date interracially will only date caucasian males. I hear many reasons why they won't date blacks, but the reasons are usually demeaning ideas portrayed by society (or their parents) without a dating experience. I hear that most southeast asians perfer caucasian because they dislike they darker skin tone, and want to become lighter. Is it because asian women want what they feel are the highest members in society? Most of the time, the asian girls that will date blacks only do it for the s*x, never a relationship. Is it because asians feel that blacks have a low status in society? Is it because many asians girls assimilate into the western culture through media? I need answers, and no excuses without dating experience from a decent black man.
Asian girls dislike blacks, only date white interracially?
OHHHHH MAN - good topic! hahaha well, asian mentality is...kinda weird (i should know and CAN say it because i'm an asian girl with immigrant parents so i know that mentality you're talking about). Pretty much, i know that asian cultures with darker tone (brown) tend to go for people with fair complexion (white) because it symbolizes "superiority) - if you look back on history, the civilizations that have conquered some of those asian nations were spanish, american, or european. "Fair/white" skin is always a sign of being "rich" and privilage" and some asian people are very shallow (in my opinion) in which they will find someone who's white just so they can have kids that are "half" - you can say some asian people are just ashamed of their color. But then again, there are some asian girls i know in which color means nothing. My niece is half black/asian and i think she is just as beautiful as any kid - mixed or not mixed. personally, i don't give a f*** about having lighter skin or hooking up with a white guy just so i could be better than certain people - it's such an old school asian mentality.
Reply:Of course some Asian women date black men and some people out in the wold probubly drink urine the point is most do not date black men they date other races more frequently and it has to do with skin color I was told by my Asian friends. Report It
Reply:Some Asian girls date black guys too,but there are more WM/AW couples
Reply:I don't think it's a problem. I would date a black person, (I'm asian) as long as I like them. And yes, I got darker after too many trips to the beach and pools, and I'd have to admit that I'd like it a tad bet better when I was back to my normal beloved old ... ok, I'm drifting off to a different subject.
Reply:An Asian woman married my black Cousin, but they don't have children.
Reply:I just doesn't catch their fancy. Why do I feel less inclined to pursue black women than I do white women? I don't know, and I really don't care.
Reply:When will people realize that race should not even be an issue. If they wont date a black man because of ideas portrayed by society, then there is something wrong with them. The color of someones skin does not make them who they are, what really counts is what is in the inside.
Reply:Yes asian girls are pretty much brainwashed by the media. The western culture dominates the media, therefore they see a lot of white guys everywhere and all the time.
Asian girls dont go for whites only. There are some that like hispanic guys, indians, etc... There are some asians that love black guys. So dont give up your hopes!
Reply:You've just about covered the whole thing yourself but as you said yourself don't stereotype. Its for the same reason that most myths are based on a sliver of truth. But I'd say more than anything else its how the media portrays blacks. Heck Black people usually stereotype themselves. Like everything else there are circumstances where non of this applies. Usually its when a person of any color is prosperous and holds a decent job and has what everybody wants just because whites fit that category more is the reason it appears that blacks or any other race doesn't seem to measure up!
Reply:Prejudice is real. Status is real. I'm sorry that good people have to overcome obstacles. I spent 22 years in therapy getting over my mental obstacles.
I didn't make this up, I have observed it, as have you.
Reply:free country = people can be with who they want.
Reply:Why is race always an issue? I think white men have GREAT sex! Black men don't rock the boat by themselves in that area! And you can't speak for ALL Asians. You can only go by what you see in your area! I rarely see Asians without Asians. I know one who dated a Mexican and was disowned by her family! So, you do not have a valid question. You are being small minded!
Reply:dude. get a life! its the own individuals personal preference! gosh!
Reply:YES BECAUSE THEY GOT THE RACISM BY PROXY...from their boyfriends
Reply:"Grandpa's Shithole"
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