Sunday, August 22, 2010

My due date does not coincide with my last menstrual cycle?

I am positive when my last period was as I planned my pregnancy, but when I had my sonogram they said that they had to go by how much the baby measured to determine a due date. I am due on February 1st, which per my calculation my due date would have been in the mid of February, so basically they took off two weeks. Has anyone ever experienced this and if so, was the baby closer to the date the doctor's chose or your date?

My due date does not coincide with my last menstrual cycle?
Well I know that I read someting in a site about your actual due date would be like that. I went to web md and found out somethings that were pretty interesting. My husband and I are trying. It said some where that your pregnancy is actually 42 weeks not 40. The doctors go back all the way to the last day of your last menstral cycle. So you might want to ask your doctor what made him decide that the day they told you was the approximate delivery day.
Reply:the ultra sound is going to be the one to go by, unless you have a freakishly huge baby or something. sometimes, you concieve then can have a spotting period, or you could have confused implantation bleeding as a period. But I would go by what your doctor says. They are usually right. Mine was twice, We will see about a third in January.
Reply:Just remember that the baby comes when it is ready anyway. You might still end up having the baby in the middle of Feb, especially if this is the first.

You might have it in the middle of Jan.

You really don't have any control
Reply:When I was pregnant with my 2 child I had gotten pregnant on Feb. 14Th, and figure I would have the baby sometime in Nov. I went to doc. they said DEC 12Th. My son birthday is Nov 21. With my first on my due date was May 26 but I had him April 23. that is when I thought it I would have the baby. So know this not all test are right and Doc. make mistakes. So don't worry to much about it when the baby's ready it will come.
Reply:There is usually 2 dates the Dr's go by.....the date of LMP (last menstural period) and the gestational age of the baby, which is when they estimate the date you possibly concieved. Never the less....there's usually only about a 2 weeks difference in them.
Reply:My due dates have never changed from the original estimation based on my last period, but I had a friend who had hers changed 2 times based on measurements from ultrasounds. After a certain point in the pregnancy the doctor will not change your due date, no matter how big or small the baby is.
Reply:OKay i had something similar..When I found out I was pregnant I was told I was 10 weeks..

I was due dec 11th but then I went in for my U/S and the doc said I was actaully due on the 9th Jan?

But by the date of my last period I should have been due in Dec?

I dont know why but thats just the way it worked out..

Good Luck!
Reply:Some cycles are 28 days and some or 30 days - you have to figure out which - you could be off a few days that way. The doctors can be wrong - but you could have been pregnant 2 weeks before your last cycle. (Your cycle is just an indicator that you are pregnant.) All three times my doctors were pretty much on target.
Reply:This happened with me. I didn't plan my pregnancy but I know when everything happened. A lot of my friends have also had this problem. Most of them said that the sonogram was two weeks off from their calculations and one of my friends doctors and sonograms were a month off. My doctor goes with the sonogram but I'm still going with the original due dates that he and I discussed before the sonogram. I don't know if my personal information helped you any but I hope it helped some.
Reply:Yes, I knew the exact date he was conceived. They said he was due 2 weeks earlier then I thought (feb 1st. also). He was born Feb 14th. Ultimately it doesn't matter all that much as long as the baby is healthy, right? Kinda cool to have him on V-Day though.
Reply:its not uncommon for this to happen. alot of times the due date it way off. a friend of mine didnt have her baby until 4 weeks after her due date!! scary huh. mine were planned also and both came on their due dates but only after my dates were changed a few times

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