I am 26 and met someone on Match.com and we are having our first date tonight. I have never been on a date in my life. Seriously, and I'm nervous as heck. My friend said I should get some Dickens Cider. Do you know where in NJ is can buy Dickens Cider? Is it liquor? I don't think will be appropriate for a first date to get her drinking. Advise?
Date advise?
Don't get nervous. It's just a date. Expect it to go badly. Not too many go right. Remember, this is just the start. You will probably go on many more dates with many more girls, so don't worry if this one doesn't go well. You just have way too high expectations. Lower your expectations from this date, and you'll be fine.
By the way, it's totally advisable to get her drinking on her first date. If you can, try to go all the way with her on the first night. If she doesn't put out, tell her you don't want to see her anymore. Then, she'll be more likely to put out. Treat her like crap and make sure you make it clear that you're going on this date to get laid. At least you can weed out the uninterested girls early on.
Reply:you dont get drunk on a first date --- she will probably be just as nervous so be yourself and enjoy --- thats the whole idea
on second thought you dont get drunk on a date period
Reply:Ahh sweet. Good idea not to get her drunk though.
Reply:my advise is just to stop worrying....
Reply:Just be yourself. Trust me, she will appreciate you for just being you.
Reply:Just be your self. And GOOD LUCK be careful
Reply:Some people say that if you take a shot of alcohol when you are nervous, it will calm your nerves. It may work, but its probably not a good idea for a first date. Just relax and be yourself. I'm sure the other person is just as nervous as you are.
Reply:Take her out to lunch somewhere - not as emotionally charged as dinner, plus you can have a nice pleasant conversation. I have no idea what Dickens' Cider is, but you shouldn't be trying to get drunk on the first date. That leads to much stupidity.
Reply:How about some "stress relief" tea instead (celestial seasons)? If you drink, you might act like a buffoon.
Then go to the date with no expectations just friends. And if she doesn't dig you, it isn't the end of the world. You know, you might not like her.
A bit of advice: NEVER have a first date on a weekend night. It is hard to get out of if something goes wrong and it feels twice as awkward. And it puts twice the pressure on you.
Lunch or brunch is ALWAYS best. Then you know you are limited to an hour and you can always use an excuse of a chore you have to get done in the afternoon to bail if you need it.
Good luck.
1. Remember, don't put on too much cologne because smell may turn her off or she may be allergic.
2. Clean trimmed nails, wear nice shoes, pluck stray hairs on nose, ears etc...(don't laugh it's true and a turn off) and brush your teeth (breath mints a must).
3. Don't talk too much and ask HER questions. Look into her eyes and act like she is the only one in the room.
4. Treat her like a lady but no flowers or gift on the first date. Just open the door, pull out chair at restaurant etc, and pick up the tab...if she insist to pitch in just say the first one is on me and next time she can. Just think of her first.
Not a pat on the leg, not a peck on the cheek NOTHING!!
6. AND if she is a selfish b*tch, excuse yourself during dinner and walk out the back door!!!!! o.k. you can use the front door LOL....time in your life is precious, no sense in wasting it w/her.
O.k. have fun...:)
Reply:just make her laugh. i love it when guys make me laugh. you don't need to buy anything special. rent her favorite movie, make her hot chocolate, and discuss anything with her.
But most of all: MAKE HER LAUGH!
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