Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blind date advice? (Guys preferrably)?

I've got a blind date set up by a friend coming up on Saturday. The guy and I have been talking for a couple weeks, on the phone, and we seem to have a good connection. We've seen pics and are aware of what the other one looks like, face and body. I'm just nervous that i'll mess the date up with my nerves!! I'd be really interested in dating him if the date goes well and I like him in person (he said the same) so I was wondering, Guys, what would keep you interested in a girl in person?

Blind date advice? (Guys preferrably)?
A girl with a sense of humor.

Reply:Chemistry is always good. You both want to be having fun on your date, so leave depressing topics off the discourse menu. Try to ask him about himself, we men are vain and enjoy talking about ourselves.

Just remember to keep the conversation light and going, you never want uncomfortable silences. So plan a couple of subjects in advance and keep your conversations flowing.

(Also, it never hurts if you're looking your best, smiling, and laughing a lot. It makes us more engaged.)
Reply:be your self. everybodys nerves will be jerky. if you keep your self real and he likes you you will know.
Reply:You can get some really good dating advice at http://www.datingwar.com
Reply:Well I know it's cliche, but be yourself. If he likes the You that he knows on the phone, it's not too much of a stretch that he'll like the You that he meets in person. So don't try to be something different.

But if you do decide to be different, at least be funny. ;)

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