I am 32 weeks along, per my last menstrual period. My due date was calculated as April 15th by my LMP( and I am POSITIVE of my last menstrual cycle date) but the first sonogram I had at nine weeks along calculated my due date at April 10th. Now, every sonogram I have moves my due date up. I have to get a sonogram every time I go to the doctor because my tummy has been measuring ahead consistently 7-8 weeks when they measure it with the tape measurer. I turned 32 weeks yesterday, and my doctor said my belly is measuring like 40 weeks!!! She said I am measuring like I am having twins! They ruled out polyhydramnios, gestational diabetes, etc., and are saying I just have a big baby. At 30 weeks, he was already 4 lbs 3 oz, which is far greater than the 90th percentile. My last sonogram put my due date at March 28th. My question is... how accurate was your last sonogram to your due date, and do you think that March 28th is more accurate than April 15th? Thank you
How accurate was the due date your last sonogram calculated to the date you actually delivered?
I was induced at 36.5 weeks with my first, the second was at 42 weeks so???? It's not a exact i guess it depends on wheteher the baby feels cooked enough
Reply:I would go off the sonograms. because my daughters were due march 13th but I had them 6 weeks early. but if I could have carried them longer it might have been march 13th. But to be honest babies come when ever they are ready.
Reply:well I have 5 and none of my due dates were correct.My eldest son was 3weeks early,eldest daughter was 1 month late as they kept stopping labor.however 2nd son and daughter were 1 month early daughter was preemie due to stress( a fire in our home)but son was because he was too big for me to carry,My baby boy soon to be 2 was due July 9th and was delivered on June 21st.So none of my sonograms were accurate.Not even for determining sexes they has my boys girls and my girls as boys.LOL Go figure.Maybe this time it could be right lol
Reply:wow u expecting about the same time as me lol i have two dates too april 7 or 9th but my mother say give two weeks before or two weeks after and she haves 5kids lol this is my 1st pregnancy is lil annoying
Reply:that always happens tho. the further you are on when u have your scan the more your dates get put out. but i got induced so when i gave birth didnt really have anyting to do with my dates
Reply:Well The dr. told me july 13, 2007, the ultrasound told me July 12, 2007, And I had my daughter on July 7, 2007(7-7-07). Your baby will come when its ready or the dr thinks it will be to big to have a natrual birth
Reply:The same thing happened to me. According to my LMP my due date was originally July 1. Then with my first ultrasound it was changed to July 9th. But then at my last ultrasound at 19.2 weeks the baby was measuring at about 20.2 weeks, around when my LMP due date was, but they said that my due date will stay at July 9th because the first ultrasound is more accurate but I'm positive that the due date should be more like July 1st, urgghh. Its frustrating, I dont know if shes just big or if I was right about LMP.
Reply:with my first child,a boy,he arrived 2 days late from his due date and with my second,a girl,who is now only 5 weeks old,all through the pregnancy the due date was different like yours,except the concern was with her being small,not big. she was due on February 18th but decided to arrive on january 21st,4 weeks early...so the person with the best answer to your question is baby him/herself.
Reply:With both of my pregnancies my due dates were on the money. With my first I delivered the day before my due date and with my second it was 2 days before. I suppose with the 3rd baby it will 3 days before my due date and so on if I have anymore kids.
Hey, what's up with the thumbs down, I answered her question and I wasn't rude. What gives??
Reply:yikes! I had four babies and all of my sonograms were pretty accurate, within just a few days. My midwife told me that the sonogram is accurate within 10 days either direction. Its also most accurate when they do an early sonogram between 6 to 10 weeks. The later your pregnancy is, the more they can be off. I would stick to the date your last period was, and what your early sonograms told you. Also, don't worry way too much about how big they say the baby is. They were off with all of my babies, up to 2 pounds off!
Reply:My last sonogram was pretty close. I was supposed to delive on christmas but she came on dec 22. So maybe they were just wrong at first. That must be very stressful to not even know when you are due! Well good luck and congrats!
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