met this guy online last december, took him till march to finally ask me out. friends tell me that he seems shy and a little "slow" when it comes to dating. for the second date, it was ME who asked him out (but we haven't gone out yet... we just planned for it)
for the 3rd date -- who should ask who out?
and also, if he drops me at home -- should i immediately get off the car? or should i stay longer?
what usually happens on 2nd dates? is that when people kiss? im sorry, im just really not that experienced when it comes to dating.
1st-2nd-3rd date question?
Hi there,
The short answer to your question is, there is no answer; it works out differently every time. Sometimes people kiss on the first date; sometimes they wait a lot longer. If you are younger or new to dating, you should probably hold off a bit. As for the third date, you should ask him on the third date if you like the second date -- if he is shy, it will let him know you are definitely interested (many guys will just not ask a girl out because they worry she will say no).
After the second date, you can linger in the car if you are enjoying yourself, or just leave. But make sure to make some sort of tentative plans -- like, "I had a great time; I'll call you in a few days." If you really do like him, take the pressure off of him, otherwise (if he is a shy, slower guy) he will get really worried and not know how to respond.
And of course... have fun!!
Reply:PC----it doesn't matter who asks who out-----and there is no set pattern on when you should kiss-it all depends on many factors----I'd say when you are comfortable with the idea it will be ok-----there is no hurry and should be no pressure.
Reply:how old roughly are you? or rather are you still in hs?
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