My fiance and I were going to have our wedding on 08-08-08, but it is booked at the location we want to have it at. It was such and adorable date, we are so upset! We want another memorable date in 2008, but we're not sure what date it should be. We would really like warm weather, definately not freezing cold. Does anyone have any cute ideas and/or themes? Dates? We want a black and white theme with a splash of a certain unknown!! We need to book asap! Thanks everyone!
What date should our wedding be?
I recommend the months of September or October - always a nice time of the year and nice weather.
Reply:why not do 6/7/08? Kinda cute! And I just checked... it is a Saturday! Perfect!
Reply:6-7-08 or 2-4-08 or 4-16-08 or 8-2-08 or 12-10-08...8-16-08....8-24-08...I don't know what dates these fall on...but a couple might work.
Reply:We're getting married onMay 3rd 08'
Get it....5+3=8
I know lame, but hey it will help my Groom remember our Anniversary. lol! :D
Reply:Keep the date and just find a different location. You are sure to find another really wonderful location.
Reply:use your birthday so your husband will always remember.
Reply:I really believe your wedding date should mean something to you as a couple, like the day you met or the date of your first kiss. Pick your favorite number and add them together and see if you can come up with a date. My husband and I are both born on the 12th of the different months so we got married on the only 12th that fell on a saturday. I wanted to choose something he would remember so I wouldn't miss out on any anniversary gifts. As far as picking a color to go with the balck and white I think you should wait until ou find your venue because it might clash with the color you choose. I think starting with black and white as a base is smart and elegant.
Reply:The date doesn't need to be memorable before you get married. It becomes special afterward. Just choose anything.
Reply:go for a fall date, maybe labor day weekend? that way the colors that are in season will still be warm (red, brown, ornage, yellow) and you can make them as bold as you want. green is a good accent color then too because it doesn't look out of place but it is a ncie contrast with the other warmer colors.
Reply:9/9/8 or 10/10/8
or 8/28/08
Reply:Keep the date and find another location. Or go with
We are getting married on the 6th July 2008.
06/07/08 but we write our dates around the other way, to what you guys do. Looks neat our way tho.
Reply:Why must you change the date just because one location is booked? Is that the only location you've checked? Try others!! Or rent a tent and have it outdoors? Do're a bride-to-be...Google is your friend.
Reply:If you're a number person, go for 06/07/08
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