Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Due date question?

Alrite well according to my last period *where i wasnt 100% sure on the date* was July 23 07 is what i guessed, when i count up the weeks up due date should be april 28, and the ultrasound said april 20th, now im wondering why the doctor is saying may 1st? i will bring this up later on today at my appointment.

but anyways what due date you think i should really go buy? i think this doc is an idiot and i dont want to be over due if i make it up to may and wait another 1,2 weeks later if my real due date is in april which i think im sure of, i should prolly ask for an ultrasound to confirm this?

Due date question?
Well ive calculated april 28th aswel, but if the scan says april 20th then u mite be a bit further on than u thout and prob conceived earlier...tell ur doc cos 1/5/08 is obviously too far off ur date and the scan date...
Reply:I was given two different dates my first was a due date of 3rd June going by thee last date of my period and my ultrasounds gave me a due date of 11th June so 8 days different.

The doctors go by the ultrasound date, so do i, as they did measurements and gave me the second date according to that. Get them to check at the ultrasound, but i think it's safer to go by that date.
Reply:Due dates are just estimated dates. and usually with the ultrasound they can measure and determine pretty close when your baby will arrive. but, every baby comes when it is ready. I would bring this up at your doctor appointment and ask which date is correct. you need time to prepare and with the date changing it is hard to do that effectively. Best of luck
Reply:cats 19 ! go here and get a perfect due date calculator
Reply:I think it's only a two week difference....the baby will come when it's ready no matter what date is on the calendar...just be patient.
Reply:The doctor probably used a little due date calculating wheel to determine your due date from the date you provided as the start of your LMP. That's what they'll stick to unless the ultrasound reveals something drastically different (off by two weeks or more). I had a similar problem, though my calculations and the midwife's were only mismatched by 3 days, I didn't want her saying I was "overdue" and start talking about induction before it was time. Fortunately, baby was four days late by midwife's calculations and 1 day late by mine. Also, have nurse or doctor check to make sure they recorded the date you gave them correctly--If you told them July 23, make sure they didn't accidentally write the 28 or write it so messy no one could read it correctly. This kind of thing happens more than you'd guess.

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