Okay, I'm 13 weeks and 5 days..... can someone tell me my conception date and due date.... I do not know my last period date sorry.
Conception date %26amp; due date?
ok this is what i come up with. i hope this is correct. good luck.
Date of your last menstrual period: 2nd of jan 2008
Conception Occurred: Wednesday, January 16, 2008
(about two weeks after last menstrual period)
First Trimester Ends (12 weeks) : Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Second Trimester Ends (27 weeks) : Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Estimated Due Date (40 weeks) : Wednesday October 8th 2008.
Today you are 13 weeks and 5 days pregnant and every wednesday of every week is a new week for you. i hope this is correct and if so, thats your due dates and everything you need to know. good luck and congrats
Reply:Pregnancy worked on 40 weeks so your due date is the date 40 weeks will be full term.
Once you work that out here is a site to calculate backwards to your last period and when you conceived based on a 28 day cycle.
has a pregnancy calander on the left hand side as well as nutriton and some great info as the time goes on you can follow it along..
Reply:Conception Date: Around January 15th
Due Date: October 8th
Reply:conception date would be around jan 8th
due date would be around oct 7th
hope this helps and congrats
Reply:i have a chart of when was first day of last menstruation and due date. ur gonna be 14 wks on tuesday,ur due date will be on...the 6 of oct.
well,its not usually correct,but see the doctor,they know.
Reply:you due date could vary from october 5th to the 10th. Im 11 weeks and 2 days and my due date is october 23rd and was concieved around janurary21st. So just minus about 14 weeks from today.
Reply:ok i used a conception calculator and a calendar, I counted back 14 weeks from this coming Tuesday and this is what I got:
First Day of Last Menstrual Period:January 8, 2008
Probable Date of Ovulation: January 22, 2008
Possible Dates of Conception: January 18 to January 26, 2008
Due Date: October 14, 2008 (40 weeks)
I hope this helps.
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