last week i asked
What date did i concieve?
im only interested because we want to celebrate the date our baby was made, i gave birth on 21st november (my actual due date was initially 16th nov then they changed it to 21st going off a 4 week scan) but the last period i remember finished on around 2nd december06?? the doctor said stress may of caused my periods to stop but you can still concieve without a blood loss. any ideas wot date our bundle of joy was made??
But people come back with the answer end of feb time 23rd onwards, but the only time i had sex was 14th-20th feb, i know that coz my hubby was living in turkey then and thats when i waws visiting him, thanx xx
What date did i conceive part 2 lol?
try this link it says the 28th feb
Reply:Some people are so rude, ignore them! Anyway, I bet you conceived during mid-late February. Congrats. I'm glad your husband is home!
Reply:Feb 28 2007, check this website for reassurance in case I made an error lol and btw i dont think its to personal for yahoo answers I mean if someone has a problem just dont post an answer! But anways sperm can live inside a female for up to a week and sometimes (rarely) longer so there ya go :)
Reply:first off to LadyBug, if the question contained to much information for you liking then just move on, no need to be rude about it.
The question at hand well its hard to say because sperm can live inside you for up to a week. why not just pick a day and stick to it and celebrate that day. You only have a 6 days to choose from, right or you could celebrate the whole week long.
Reply:This question is a little too personal for Yahoo! answers, if you ask me. Too much information...
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