I had an u/s early in pregnancy dating it to be 7 weeks and 2 days. This did not match my last cycle, which was the first I had had since the birth of my son. Anyway, I have had 3 u/s since a month apart roughly and they are all saying within one day of each other that I am due 2 weeks earlier than the dr suspected. This corresponds more with my LMP, but still not exact. However, according to the Drs due date from first u/s I wouldn't have even found out I was pregnant when I had. So, I am just wondering what others think as far as the due date goes since I am suppose to have a planned c-sect and it is scheduled after the due date that keeps coming up on the most recent ultrasounds by over a week. I know 1st trimester ultrasounds are suppose to be MOST accurate, but you would think that having 3 additional ultrasounds (for measuring size greater than dates) would show some sort of accuracy.
Any input would appreciated.
Should my due date be changed?
When was your last period and what is your due date? If you let me know, I can help you figure out what your correct due date should be.
Reply:If the doctor thinks your due date needs to be changed he will tell you so - or you could ask them about it..wouldn't hurt to bring the mis matched dates to there attention.
As long as your c-section is planned between week 37 and 40 by either day or both I wouldn't worry too much
But only doctor knows for sure..
Reply:I find that the communication between the radiologists and the Doctors is very minimal and just plain crappy. I had a similar situation where my doctor insisted on the due date at hand when in reality I'm pretty sure we were a bit overdue. You can raise a fuss if you want but I mean 2 weeks isn't that much of a difference in the scheme of it. I am having a scheduled c section as well this time, and when it gets closer to the due date you will know as your body will tell you it is time to get the baby out. If your due date isn't changed I would pursue it again later towards the end of the pregnancy.
Reply:true that the 1st trimester u/s are most accurate but keep in mind when you get towards the end of your pregnancy they might change it again depending on the baby's size. My friend's due date was set for today throughout her entire pregnancy and then towards the end he started measuring big so they ended up changing it and she has him 2 weeks ago instead of today and he ended up being a 8 pound baby. So they may go by babys size and development towards the end instead of your due date. hope i helped a little.
Reply:My recommendation, due to your VALID concerns over this dating, is to ask the doctor to do an amnio prior to the c-section to check for lung development. Either that, or go elsewhere and get a second opinion. I too would find that awfully weird and would have little confidence in the dating. As you say, it would be a non-problem, but a planned c-section is normally done at 39 weeks, but can be as early as 38 weeks. You want to be sure those lungs are developed! There are bad doctors out there, remember that.
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