Sunday, July 11, 2010

Due date correct...will I go by 40 weeks?

I have been 3 cm dilated for weeks now and my plug came out 3 weeks ago as of yesterday. I am 80% effaced and my baby is at -1 station. I am 39 weeks and 3 days.

The doctor said since I have 3 children already and am showing signs of being ready, he would induce after 40 weeks but I really don't want to be induced.

My ultrasound and my measurements both match my last period date so I am 100% sure my due date is right.

My question is...are most babies born by 40 weeks when the due date is right or I am really looking at being induced? I read that with correct due date the chance of going over 40 weeks is like 2%

I am not willing to try castor oil or anything crazy. We can't have sex because it's not comfortable and I have been walking as much as I can stand.

Also would like to add that I have 3 girls (this is a boy) and I have never carried past the 38th week. Always been induced because I was 3-5 cm with no contractions..stalled labor etc.

Due date correct...will I go by 40 weeks?
I wa sabout 3cm with my daughter and no contractions so the midwife did a stretch and sweep its nasty but it worked its when they put there hand in you to widen up the cervix witch helps the baby come out.
Reply:It's not unusual to go over your due date, and you don't have to be induced if you don't want to, you can tell them you'd rather wait it out a bit longer. I bet you won't go that much longer anyway.
Reply:My understanding is that only 5% of babies are born on their due dates. I've never heard such a low % where is comes to going over your 40 weeks, but generally boys come later than girls do.
Reply:If you've had to be induced before, chances are you will have to be induced with this one as well. Some women just don't have the "mechanism" that signals labor to begin. Going to 40 or 41 weeks is okay, but past that you can run into some trouble - for both you and baby. As the baby grows and gets bigger it will be more difficult for you to have the baby which could also lead to a life-threatening complication. If you are dead set against being induced, you may talk your doctor into a scheduled c-section. Depends on your situation.

And as far as castor oil. spicy food, sex, etc...none of that works. If the baby is going to come on his own, he'll come when he's ready. Good luck!
Reply:Sounds like you're likely to deliver close to your due date. I can completely understand not wanting to be induced and you have every right to tell your OB that you don't want that. Unless he can demonstrate your baby is at risk (i.e., ultrasound measurements (and even those are highly unreliable) or a non stress test) then why risk having unnecessary medical procedures?? I did castor oil and all it did was make me go to the bathroom. I had contractions for about an hour but nothing exciting. I also pumped for nipple stimulation, did thumb sucking in 10 minute blocks for an hour, sex (uncomfy as it was), membrane stripping and bumpy car rides. I went into labor the day before I was scheduled to be induced (at 11 days post due date but I think my date was calculated incorrectly) and ended up having her 3 hours before I was supposed to come in for induction. Most first time moms go over 40 weeks and most 2nd time or more moms go before 40 weeks but I was the opposite....try some natural induction methods before going the medical route. Baby will be ok if you don't have her right at 40 weeks. Good luck!!!

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