Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do most black men date white women for the wrong reasons?

I got into a talk about this with a friend of mine who is currently has a white girlfriend. I told him I won't date a white woman and it's not because of anything I have against them, but because I believe in black families. I believe that with all the damage that's been done to black families in history, it's important that we have strong, healthy black families to build better black communities.

He wasn't really seeing my point and after talking more with him about why he's dating a white woman, it became more clear to me that he's one of the many black men I believe date white women simply because they are a's a social status thing. These black men see dating a white woman as "dating up". And they flaunt their white girlfriends when they go out to the clubs and places.

For you others out there, especially African-Americans, do you think this is real or just in my head? And is it a problem?

Do most black men date white women for the wrong reasons?
I'm a white woman and you don't have to worry...I wouldn't ever date a black man. And before I start getting screamed at for being racist, I don't hate black people, I just don't find any black men attractive. Some women don't like short men, or fat men or bald men...I'm not attracted to black men.
Reply:It's NOT in your head. And it's not just black men, but asians, indians, hispanics that believe that by being with a white girl that they are superior to girls of their own race. I've seen minority men with ugly, mean, treat them like sh-t white girls who would rather be with them than another girl that would treat them better/

It goes back to that mentality that whites(men then women) are at the top, and at the bottom are women of color (beneath the men of color)Everyone knows it, people are just afraid to say it.

People's mentality have to change! I've seen a hispanic man, raised by a single mom that did everything for him , turn his back on his own race and strictly date only white. Isn't that a slap in the face to his hispanic mother when he denigrates women like who she is?

Ignorant people may call you a racist but you are not.

You are just telling the truth the everyone knows but are afraid to admit to. Yes, there are multi-racial relationships that are successful and those are the ones based on mutual love and acceptance,these ******** " I'm the man cause i got a white chick flings" do nothing but enforce the negative stereotypes.
Reply:As a white guy, I prefer black ladies. Every time I see a black guy with a blond, I think to myself, there's a nother black girl who is single. I don't really think of the girls as trophys, I just prefer the features that black girls have. Predominately the bigger rears and lips. I also love natural black hair but unfortunately many prefer to "whiten" it up.

Your friend may just prefer the features that white girls have, softer skin, thinner hair, and empty heads. Just kidding on the last one. Some people date interracially just to have something different. Besides there has been so much mixture over the centuries nobody is truly black or white anymore.
Reply:personally i think they do it because there is so much, i want to say hate?, between black women. whether it be jealousy, or just a bad attitude. now i'm not saying that thats the only race that does it because females just in general can be mean to eachother but i guess its more obvious in the black community.

also, black/white dating is not a problem. don't forget there is really only one race (human race) so if two people love eachother why should they be stopped just because they don't have the same skin color?

you said: "I believe that with all the damage that's been done to black families in history, it's important that we have strong, healthy black families to build better black communities" how does having a black family make them strong, healthy, and build better communities? i agree if all black families were strong and healthy there would be more success among us but having a strong healthy family goes beyond race...
Reply:i **** em i dont date em
Reply:Well im black and to me its not a question of race. I just like women of all races. Its not because i dont like my black women.
Reply:black women do the same thing.

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