i had my last period dec.8,2007 i know for a fact cause it had a UTI and it was my sisters birthday...but i had sex with my boyfriend the day after my peroid went off dec.13and then i had sex again on dec.21 ithink but i kno for sure i had sex again on dec.22,06...so on dec.28 i took a pregancy test and it came out not pregant..so i didnt think nuthing of it so i had sex again on new years and then i had sex again on jan.4th 2007 but then i didnt get my preoid round then 8th of jan so i took another test and it came out that i was pregant so i went to a place were they help u with ur baby's and i took a hand pregant test there too so it said yes too and the lady told me dat my due date will be sept.14,2007...but then yesterday i went to Exous womens doctors office and they told me i was pregant too and that my due date was sept.23,2007 but how is it dat i have two due dates???and can u tell me when did i get pregant???
My due date from a doctors office was sept.14,07...but my EDD due date was sept.23,07..whn did i get pregant?
okay, when you become pregnant a hormone is released and comes out in your urine. Some pregnancy tests are more sensitive to this hormone and will tell you sooner than others. When you go to a doctor they will ask you when your last period was and calculate from that forty weeks gestation. There is no perfect way to say I got pregnant on this day.
Now when you are futher along the doc will measure you stomach and estimate how many weeks you are. They will also do a sonogram and estimate from the size of the baby and the size of your uterus how far along you are.
Through out the pregnancy your due date can vary from a few days to a few weeks.
Truth be told a due date is an estimated guess and the baby will come when it is ready. As far as telling you when you got pregnant, if all sex was unprotected then you could have gotten pregnant the day your period was over. It all depends on when you ovulate and when you are most fertile.
Reply:It is always hard to give an exact date. I would say your EDD is 14th September. This is only estimated tho, everyone is different. It said that normally you can go 2 weeks either side of your due date. With my first daughter, now 2, my EDD was 12th nov and I had her on 30th Oct. I'm 34weeks pregnant and my EDD is 1st March and I've been having loads of Braxton Hicks contractions for the last 2weeks, everyone has been saying they think I will deliver before the 1st. The best thing you can do is wait for your 12week scan, they will tell you how pregnant you are and that will be the date the midwifes use.
Good luck xx
Reply:You can find out for yourself when the baby is due. Look at when you had your last period. Just count back 3 months from the first day of your last period, and then add on 7 days. Suppose your last period began on April 20. Count back 3 months, January 20, then add on 7 days. Your baby is due on January 27.
Reply:the date the doctor tells you is only a guess around about the time just say mis sept. and be prepared a month ahead
Reply:For now, say your due date is September. As the baby grows, they can better guess a due date by the baby's size and measurements. If your last period was Dec 8th, you prolly got pregnant around the 22nd, implantation took a few days, so it didn't register on a test on the 28th. However it happened, due dates are just good guesses.
Reply:First day of last menstrual period: December 8, 2006
Estimated date of conception: Friday, December 22, 2006
End of 1st trimester (12 weeks): Friday, March 2, 2007
End of 2nd trimester (27 weeks): Friday, June 15, 2007
Estimated Due Date: September 14, 2007
(I done the above by using your last period, always go by your last period. I think your doctor is right on the due date)
Good luck and Congrats
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